Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry

For more information and interest contact Therese Hamilton at



When artist Michelangelo was asked how he could create such beauty from a hardened stone slab, he answered, “I see the statue inside of the stone, waiting to be found."  Jesus, the Master Artist, pulls statues from stone at Eastern Correctional Institution every week as we visit the prisoners for Him. (Matt 25:36)

By sharing in Catholic Bible studies, music, singing, faith talks, inspirational stories, and holy communion services, the power of God's love is changing lives. The late Father Ed Aigner performed this holy ministry to ECI for 39 years, and while we ask visiting priests to administer the sacraments, lay people are filling the gap in the ways mentioned. 

"It is a beautiful sight to behold; the faith journey of men dressed in prison garb living barbed wire lives, with skeptical guards watching every move, when suddenly imprisoned faces change from downtrodden despair to a glow only heaven can give!" – Therese Hamilton

Embittered and wounded, hurt and afraid, little boys grew to men -

We learned to play rough, making our way, but it led to the devil’s den

Finally exhausted from running in circles, wounded, and left for dead -

We peeked from the dark, into the light, and saw where our soul could be fed


In the twinkling of an eye, a new heart is born, the old man gone from me -

God’s love is complete, filling the gap, His grace is sufficient for thee


A perfect way back, he designed for us, God; the Master of the Arts -

With animals, straw, and a virgin birth, made a manger for our hearts. 


Excerpt from “Peanut Butter Fudge” a prison poem

C - 2023 written by Therese Hamilton

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