Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Choir - To audition, contact Lilly Hoffman at

The Folk Group generally hosts our music at the 10:30 am Masses and practice on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm during the academic year. They are off for the summer. Contact Regina Yankalunas at for more information.

Cantoring - If you would like to audition as a cantor for Mass, contact Doreen Howard at

Handbell Choir - They meet from August to June on Thursdays at 4:00 pm at Holy Redeemer. Contact Bill Alexander at

Hispanic Music Team - These musicians and singers support the 12:00 pm Mass. For more information, contact Mindy at

Music by our Young People - Our young people hosts our music on the first Saturdays of the month at 5:30 pm Mass during the school year. They are off for the summer, but do practice. Contact Liza at for more information.

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