Parish Council

Parish Council

Parish Mission Statement

St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Parish, with its two churches, is a faith community in the greater Salisbury, Maryland area. United in Christ, we seek to spread God’s Word through prayer and action, demonstrating the highest respect for all life and the diversity of God’s people and creation. As a worshipping community, we embrace all who respond to God’s call to be part of a Catholic sacramental community gathered around the Eucharist. We are challenged to live the Gospel, with a committment to religious formation and social justice.

Approved by Pastoral Council

Share your ideas to the parish council right here or

drop your ideas in the suggestion box located in the narthex of our churches.

 The Parish Council will review the suggestions/comments/questions placed in the boxes and submitted online at each of their closed meetings. Members will do their best to address each idea and/or share with the appropriate committee/office staff.

The following documents are posted for parishioners to view what suggestions/comments/questions were discussed and how they are being addressed:

September Suggestions

Got Suggestions?

Council meets four times a year: September 10, 2024; November 12, 2024; February 11, 2025; May 13, 2025

Parish Council Members 


Parish Council is an advisory council to the pastor, Fr. Chris LaBarge. Elections are held each year for vacant seats and the pastor assigns two seats each year for a one year term. Those elected serve a three year term. 

Seated from left to right: Amanda Taylor, Toni Zackiewicz, Fr. Chris LaBarge, Debbie Meyers.

Standing left to right: Michele Harris, Ken Kirchner, Vince Luca, Evan Thomas,Teresa Pusey, Helen Darmetka, Bennie Brown, Abby Cisneros.

Parish Council meets in September, November, January, March, May.

Please feel free to contact one of the members if you have something to share about our parish. 

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