Here's an easy way to support St. Francis de Sales Parish Catholic School. Return this script form to the Rectory Office to buy gift cards from vendors that will give back to our school!
We have been blessed with two houses of God, St. Francis de Sales and Holy Redeemer churches in which we gather to worship. Our thoughtful staff works diligently to meet the needs of the faithful along with many volunteers in over 40 ministries. With your weekly support, we are able to be good stewards of our resources and enthusiastically serve our Lord in our parish and community. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our vibrant parish!
Never worry about bringing your checkbook or envelope to Mass again!
St. Francis de Sales Parish is providing you with a more convenient way to make your donations. Instead of writing a check and bringing an envelope to Mass each week, you can easily create your donation account online and make changes anytime.
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Click Give Online below.
2. Click on the collection in which you wish to donate.
3. Click Recurring Donation and enter your donation amount and frequency.
That's it! Your account will be created and you can leave your checkbook at home!
If you have any questions, please contact Susan Flanagan at the Parish office 410-742-8781, or
This link will also allow you to pay the Religious Education fees online!
Visit the Faith and Charity appeal page
here to find out how your donations make a difference.
"Your donations enable us to provide resources for education, formation, campus ministry, and outreach to those in need through Catholic Charities. It's the lifeblood of our diocese. Thank you for being the heart of our mission! Your generosity fuels our journey of faith and charity."
The Most Rev. William Koenig, Bishop of Wilmington Diocese.
*Website content is updated by our Parish staff.
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