

Sacrament of Confirmation

Most of us were baptized as an infant and have stories or pictures that have been shared with us but no memory of celebrating the sacrament ourselves. Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation that we celebrate, usually as an infant with our parents and godparents committing to raise us in the Catholic faith. Confirmation is also a sacrament of initiation that is celebrated to affirm our baptism. Confirmation provides us the opportunity to renew our baptismal promises and choose for ourselves to grow in our faith through participation in the Catholic Church. The Most Reverend William Koenig, Bishop of the Wilmington Diocese, comes each year to celebrate the Sacrament at St. Francis de Sales Church.

Adults over the age of 18 that have already prepared and celebrated the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist but have not yet received Confirmation, please register for adult confirmation classes by contacting Liza Alvarado at 410-742-6433 or email

Students from 8th grade through High School - Confirmation is a sacrament that a young person can prepare to receive during their 8th grade year or older. Students active at our Catholic school or parish Faith Formation program are eligible to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Faith Formation office will review the student's preparation to determine eligibility for this sacrament. We encourage students to participate in Christian formation from childhood through high school to learn the foundations of Catholic faith and prepare adequately for all the sacraments. Confirmation classes are separate from the other programs of Christian Formation but are done in tandem with them.

Parent and Student Confirmation Meeting for the 2024-25 year:

Sunday, September 22nd at 11:30 am in the St. Francis de Sales Church Hall.

Please contact Liza Alvarado for more information at 410-742-6443 or 

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