Becoming Catholic

Becoming Catholic


(Formerly RCIA)

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

What is the RCIA?

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process to prepare adults and children above the age of reason who wish to join the Catholic church.

Who would participate in RCIA?

Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or wishes to become Catholic. That includes:

  • Someone who is not baptized
  • Someone who was baptized in another Christian faith
  • Someone who was baptized Catholic who did not receive First Eucharist and Confirmation

Catholics who only need Confirmation are not included in RCIA. Contact Liza Alvarado  for adult Confirmation preparation.

How do I get started?

RCIA runs year round. Contact Rosemary Byrne if you think you might be interested. Small group Inquiry Sessions meet weekly on Sundays to explore some of the basic aspects of the Catholic faith. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm, friendly setting. No commitment is required to start.

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