Celebrating Liturgy is the highlight of our faith life as Catholic Christians. When we gather as a community we are nourished with Word and Sacrament so that we can, in turn, be Jesus to the world. As this is a very special time, we have programs for adults and children who would like to prepare to receive Eucharist for the first time.
Children may participate in the First Communion Preparation Sessions if they are in second grade or older and are participating in their second year of a formal faith formation program. The preparation process is threefold: parish preparation, formal faith formation program, family participation. Please contact Janet Hastings for more information at 410-742-6443 or jhastings@visitstfrancis.org
Adults who would like to become part of our faith community and receive communion will prepare for reception of sacraments through the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA and previously known as RCIA). For more information please contact Rosemary Byrne at 410-742-6443 or rbyrne@visitstfrancis.org
*Website content is updated by our Parish staff.
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